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Key Issues & Policy Proposals

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Scott's Vision for New York

We need new, ambitious policy changes to make New York fairer and more affordable. I hope you’ll join me in supporting a new vision.

Make Housing More Affordable

With NYC facing extreme rent burdens and a dire need for more affordable housing, it's vital to reform restrictive zoning practices and introduce measures to cap rent increases, ensuring every New Yorker has an affordable place to call home.

Equal Education

With stark disparities in school funding and deeply entrenched segregation, it's essential to overhaul our funding system, ensuring every student, regardless of their district, receives an equal opportunity to thrive.

End Entrenched Poverty

In a state as prosperous as New York, it's unacceptable for so many households to grapple with food insecurity and homelessness; it's time to overhaul our approach, providing monthly cash assistance to those most in need.

Expand Health Care Access

New York should enact a single-payer health care system that establishes health care as a right, not a privilege. In addition, New York should get medical costs under control by regulating the exorbitant fees that hospitals charge.

Climate Change

New York must take decisive action on climate change. We can do so by enacting the Climate and Community Investment Act and the Build Public Renewables Act, to ensure a sustainable future for all while fostering job creation and community resilience.

Prohibit Stores from Selling Guns

In a state where guns claim over 1,000 lives annually, it's critical to reevaluate the commercial privileges we grant. New York should be the first state in the country to prohibit corporations and other commercial entities from selling firearms.

Living Wages For More New Yorkers

By raising the minimum wage, reassessing educational prerequisites for state employment, and defining gig workers' rights, New York can guarantee that every worker has the opportunity to earn a decent living and thrive.

Expand Democracy

With over 36,000 citizens unjustly barred from voting due to incarceration, it's time New York to expand voting rights to all, regardless of conviction status. We also need to support public campaign financing to dilute the dominance of big money in our elections.

Preserve Abortion Access

In the face of changing national dynamics around abortion, it's crucial to preserve and expand every woman's right to make personal reproductive choices, ensuring New York remains a beacon for safe and accessible abortion care.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice

In a state that spends an astronomical $18 billion on its carceral system, it's paramount to reevaluate and overhaul sentencing practices, ensuring they are just, equitable, and considerate of individual circumstances.

Support for Families

In a state where child care costs soar and elders face mounting expenses, it's vital to reshape our approach, making Universal Child Care a reality and crafting a trust program for affordable long-term care.

Protecting Civil Rights and Rejecting Hate

In an era where hate crimes surge and prejudices resurface, it's imperative for New York to stand united against discrimination, ensuring protection and equal rights for every community.

Transportation & Local Governance

Addressing the multifaceted challenges of New York's transit system, roads, and local issues is crucial to the well-being and mobility of its residents.

We’re grateful for your donations!

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